I was sooooo hoping to have the book ready to publish in the coming weeks, but it appears I have more to learn than I thought. Thankfully, I have stumbled across an excellent freelance editor who has put out some great tips and advice on YouTube. From just the little that I have watched and read from her so far, I have a long road ahead still.
I am trying to write, edit, and publish this book on my own without putting too much external cost into as possible. There are many services out on the Internet these days. This editor charges as much as $16 per 1000 words for a line edit. My book has reached 120,000+ words. That would be almost $2000! Yikes!
I've already heard the horrors of trying to publish with a major publishing company. They require the author to sign away their rights, so if the book were to go on to be a major motion picture (HA!), I would have no rights to the content. Self-publishing is definitely the way to go, and, as I am finding out, it is probably the easiest part of this whole process.
Just writing the content of my novel was grueling enough, now I have to go back over it with a fine tooth comb and check for tense errors, voice, telling v. showing, weak scenes, etc. No wonder editors charge such high fees. But apparently, their services are worth it.
For now, I'm going to try to edit my work per her advice as much on my own as I possibly can. Then, if I feel like I need her professional services I will have to bite the bullet and seek her help. Until then, it is plow on! But, hey, I'm having fun, right?